Soroptimists are now some of my favorite people!Inspiring teenage girls is a passion of mine. Actually inspiring ANYONE is a passion of mine. So when a member of Soroptimists International of Hammonton asked me to be a guest speaker to a room of high school girls I was so excited I couldn’t wait. The Soroptimists of Hammonton helped start a club at Hammonton High School called the Live it. Be it. club. They do lots of community service within the school and surrounding community. I had never heard of the Soroptimists until the former art teacher in Hammonton asked me to speak and now I am currently going to become a member! If you don’t know what Soroptimists are
here is some info for you. If anyone knows me they know this stuff is what makes me tick! I am stoked to be a part of it all!
As the day approached
Some asked if I was nervous but I have done much public speaking and even some motivational speaking with addicts. I am comfortable speaking in front of others but this time it was the age difference that got me. As the day got closer I was nervous that the 40 year old me really couldn’t speak in a way to relate to these girls. Though there are many days I still feel like I am 16, we know the truth is it was a very long time ago and how relatable is my life today? When I spoke to the teacher that runs the club she gave me some questions as jumping off points and I realized I have a lot to say and those teenage days resinate in me daily.I honestly couldn’t wait to get in front of them and use my time to tell them that they can be and do whatever they want in life. NEVER stop trying and failure is just the education that gets to our successes!
It Was a Brutal Winter
I want to say that I barely survived the winter months emotionally. The dark dingy snowy, and rainy days got to me more than I really would like to admit. It is months without having a family in front of my lens in a field at sunset. And overall, my husband and I work less in the winter and this one was over the top. There were many many days we just sat and stared at each other. I would just dream of sunshine and warmth. I fought the negative with positive books, meditations, helping others, diving into my work, and laughing a lot with my husband. Usually at my expense but that is A-ok 🙂 the dreariness really tried to swallow me but I fought hard. Trying to always remember that I have a great life and the negative thoughts are only that. I can change my outlook at any time. So this speaking engagement really couldn’t have come at a better time. It was a great way to get out of me and help others. There is never a bad time for that actually!
My Calling
When I started my second business in 2017 I realized what inspires me. I LOVE to make people feel good. I started that when putting people mostly women in front of my lens. I enjoyed capturing them and their loves. I thrived off of feedback like ” you made me look beautiful” “Thank you for capturing my snuggling son\daughter” When starting my day planner I realized I want to inspire more women. Women that I may never ever meet in person. I literally can’t be there to tell them they are fabulous so when someone flips through my day planner and reads the quotes or realizes that they wrote down a goal and then accomplished it, I am hoping that it makes them smile and feel like the impossible is indeed possible. I am currently reading a fantastic book 100 days of Brave. Great book I recommend it hightly. This book talks about your calling and that everyone has one. I truly do know mine and knowing is for sure half the battle.
Our Conversation
I spoke about who I am where I came from and what got me to who I am today. That about sums it up :)Some of these girls knew me, but I am pretty sure most did not. I spoke about being bullied terribly in junior high school. I was teased heavily for my weight. The journey of becoming a small business owner and the stresses still 15 years later. But mostly failure. The ugly word that wreaks havoc in our minds. We talked about what a blessing failure is. Without it how do we learn how to do things the right way. I repeated that failure is where the education is! I spoke about vision boards and quoted inspiring books (which I did tell them to read) I wanted to leave these girls feeling inspired, joyful for who they are, and loving themselves a little more.
Before I even got home
I had several emails when I walked in the door from moms about their daughters. As I read them I cried. These moms were thankful for my time I had spent with their daughters. Some said these girls walked in the door raving about my words. One mom said her daughter is speaking of starting her own vision board <3 The next few days I heard lots of feedback from people in town saying they heard I spoke and heard the girls really loved it. I tell you I am another work in progress but if my trials in life can help a few people know they are not alone and hope never dies then I feel accomplished. I am ready become a soroptimist and continue to inspire and help others!