Being in a quarantine from the world would never ever be my first choice. I know introverts everywhere are jumping for joy. But I love people way to much for this. So like I tell my baby girl, Julia. We will take it one day at a time. We are TOTALLY venturing into unchartered territories due to the social distancing that has started and I, along with many other moms are forced to add “teacher” to her job description.
But during this quarantine good things will come! In these trying times I hope you come back to this post and it helps you get centered and press on. I am no writer, but I am always compelled to make anyone feel just a little bit better. So let’s get started!
As Taralee O’Malley-Hurff “Inspired Education” says it on her Facebook page :

Please let’s start our day, each day, with a mediation and gratitude. I actually have listed all my favorite meditations over the years that I have collected later down in this very blog! There will be plenty of time for quiet time and that means more time with our thoughts. It is truly up to us which thoughts we allow to govern our minds. Let’s use it to get centered and remember where we come from and all that we really do have. What better mental health exercise with our children than this! It could be simply saying “I love you”, or listening to nature! Here is a direct link for MANY ways to practice gratitude: 40 simple ways to practice gratitude
Have a structure that is similar to school schedule (breakfast, snack time, lunch). This won’t be perfect and will be different for everyone. I LOVE my work so I can always find something to do on the back end if I am not currently shooting so the discipline here is with me, mom. But we all do better with routine. We. Just. Do. Studys have shown what it can do for our children as well. Increased confidence and independence. According to Dr. Peter Gorski of Harvard Medical School, knowing what to expect from daily life can develop a child’s confidence. Being able to rely on past experiences in a safe environment allows your child to feel comfortable performing the same activities, such as putting on pajamas, on their own. It also teaches self-control and stress reduction because it makes us all feel more secure in a loving environment.
Don’t forget to get some sun while in quarantine!! I am so grateful we have a beautiful graveyard around the corner. Some of the tombstones are from the early 1800s. We as a family can explore and talk about the history. Get some exercise and fresh air. On a warmer day we can bring a book and sit and read under a tree. Julia LOVES it. She would search for rocks for days if she could 🙂

Anyone that knows me, knows that laughter is something I love to do. You can hear giggling in our home at any given minute and usually at mommy’s expense 🙂 but that is ok. I don’t like to take myself too seriously. But seriously, laughing is known to relax the whole body and keep it relaxed for up to 45 minutes, relieving any physical tension. It is also known to boost your immune system. It decreases stress hormones and improves your resistance to disease. More importantly in these times it lightens anger’s load. A shared laugh diffuses anger and resentment/bitterness the fastest. We all owe it to ourselves to laugh. A LOT. EVERYDAY!
According to Maud Purcell, LCSW, CEAP humor has such an overall huge positive impact on our intellectual and emotional functioning wellbeing.
- Helps put life’s trials and tribulations into healthy perspective by making them seem smaller.
- Aids us in overcoming fear.
- Allows us to take ourselves less seriously.
- Triggers our creativity.

The NY times just put together this piece to update all the theater buffs about new options to see their favorite shows. Experiencing theater from home is not a new phenomenon, of course. But now since the quarantine, in addition to the catalog long available on platforms such as BroadwayHD or more niche services like On the Boards, which specializes in experimental performance (and offers free streaming through the end of April), companies are trying to preserve the shows that were playing, or about to start, when the industry shut down. Shows and special programs are announcing streaming plans daily.

As public conversations around coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) increase, children may worry about themselves, their family, and friends getting sick.We as adults can play a pivotal role in helping children make sense of what they hear in a way that is honest, accurate, and minimizes anxiety or fear. First, we need to teach them every day actions to stop the spread of germs. Second, we should avoid any language that blames or creates a stigma. Remember that viruses can make anyone sick, regardless of a person’s race or ethnicity. Avoid making assumptions about who might have COVID-19.
Let’s be emotionally available to both listen and talk. Make time to talk to them when they ask. We need to pay attention to screen time and what they are hearing and seeing in the media. Information overload can lead to high anxiety. For us too! We need to remain calm and reassuring. Kids will react to not only what we say but how we say things. It is important to share age-appropriate facts and keep it simple. Give children information that is truthful and appropriate for the age and developmental level of the child.

Mediation is your time to stop and take care of you, mom. It will single handedly change you. Especially during this quarantine, taking 10-15 min in the morning or at night or both will make a more well adjusted and overall calm you. What is it exactly? Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration. People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook.
Personally, it gives me a greater outlook on life and helps me sleep better. Doing this will create more inner peace which will trickle down into everyone in your household I promise! When Julia and I meditate (which is about 30 seconds lol) I have her close her eyes and imagine a white light coming through the top of her head and warming her body and pushing the scary or fearful thoughts out through her feet. We have been doing this for about a year now. We certainly do not do it every day. But when she is upset she asks to do it! So you can get creative with the kids with tise one as well! But these links are for YOU! I literally copied these from my notes in my phone. These mediations are amazing and pretty quick cause I just can’t sit still that long 🙂 abundance inner peace living carefreee deepak chopra letting Go deepak overcoming obstacles and frustration deepak chopra morning mindfulness anxiety negativity stress Relief and confidence balance abundance freedom allow abundance positive thinking relaxed body relaxed mind guided practice
Now that we are nice and relaxed let’s put our “teacher” hat on. I have added a few different links for kids though my fb feed has been flooded by awesome home schooler parents with incredible sources. This one seems to be the biggest God bless this wonderful woman! kids acitivy blog is the ultimate website for everything kids! There is no much info on there and this virtual museum link made me giddy. As you may not know I do love the arts 🙂

Willems—he of the so very popular Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Knuffle Bunny, and the Elephant and Piggy series, —is actually the current Education Artist at the Kennedy Center. He says his livestream will virtually everyday at 1pm, invite “learners of all ages” into his studio and encourage them to draw and write with him. New videos will be posted to the Mo Willems page on the Kennedy Center’s website.

How about this one! You can travel through Disney while in a quarantine! What a time we live in that we really do not have to leave our home to experience the joys around us! Sure it’s not exactly the same but like a tell Julia – you get what you get and you don’t get upset” 🙂 Thank you to for putting this blog together! Lots of links to explore different rides and adventures from Disney World to Disney Land! How fun!!

Adventures in Familyhood has put together a very long list of places you can go from your couch. Plenty of Art museums and zoos on this list! This blog went up only a few days ago so this family worked hard to get these resources to us while we are in quarantine! They rounded up 20 virtual field trips that you can take with your kids during quarantine 2020. There are also lesson ideas, activities and book suggestions to extend the learning for each type of destination. A big thank you to them!


Because love never loses <3