This session was the final segment for a family that I have gotten to know through the First Year Journey process. FYJ is indeed a journey, documenting your little one from Mom’s days of late maternity all the way to the first birthday. These sessions are so special to the families, but for me too! I love seeing these little guys thorough their early stages and into toddlerhood. Its amazing to me! So this is Chase, and he is adorable.
Chase’s mom is a client through a friend from my gym, and she was given a gift certificate for my studio as a baby shower gift. Great idea by the way! You can see that Chase is holding a pic of himself as a newborn– I like that. And the little nudies with some baby bum, they are almost always the baby’s favorite ones, they giggle the whole time! Chase went to town on his cake smash and completely destroyed that cake. In one of these pics you can see some cool trucks. Well those trucks belonged to Chase’s Pop-Pop, and I thought that was a really cool personal prop to bring to a photo session.
The more personal you can make it, the more sentimental the pictures become. I loved my time with this family, I hope I can see Chase again soon for maybe a family session, or maybe he just wants to stop by for some cake. 🙂
Teddy: My first Teddy