Forget-Me-Not street is a beautiful spot for photos! It was back to the beach again for this family session. We had a great day there on Forget-Me-Not Road in Wildwood. This was back in August during out vacation in wildwood. I think I just like posting beach images when the weather gets cooler, it makes me feel better lol.
I know this family pretty well, Julia and that beautiful little lady in white are the bestest of friends. I truly adore all the people in these images especially the grandparents! We see them a lot through the summer and I wouldn’t have it any other way! We actually bartered a little for this session; my services in exchange for some time at their shore house.
DONE. I am such a sucker for the beach. And who isn’t? I mean, look at these images! We had an extraordinary sunset, and we laughed throughout the entire session. And then we even went out to eat afterwards. Not a bad way to spend the first day of our family vacation, doing what you love with awesome people. Not bad at all. Well, onto my next session. Maybe I can talk them into a beach session…See! I will do anything to get my toes in the sand again!