Hello Baby Ellie, welcome to the world! Mom Lauren contacted me after seeing Joseph’s Newborn Session and booked immediately. Ellie was a surprise with her early arrival, she was actually 20 days old for our shoot-but technically wasn’t due yet! Mom requested cream as her main color, with hints of more cream, aaaaand just a touch of cream, lol. But she knew what she was doing- using neutrals help the observer focus on the subject, in this case, little Ellie.
As much as I LOVE color with newborns there is something about the neutrals agains their hours old skin <3 I grabbed some of my Luxe Hues wraps and our session began! Never disappointing, Petite Boutique always makes an appearance in my sessions. But mom brought the stunner tieback that sealed the deal from me! I loved the results so much that I used one of the images as the front pic on my homepage. Mom and Dad stepped in for snuggle at the end, and the love was just overflowing. I love my job. How could I ever do anything else? Hoping to photograph this sweet family again! That double chin. I can’t 🙂